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Esiste una grande varietà di armi in Final Fantasy Type-0, poiché ogni personaggio della Class 0 è specializzato nell'uso di uno specifico mezzo di combattimento. Possono dividersi sostanzialmente in 5 categorie, legate al modo in cui possono essere ottenute:

  • armi acquistabili nei normali negozi (nelle varie città o sbloccandole dopo aver soddisfatto determinati requisiti);
  • armi Multiplayer (sbloccabili solo giocando in modalità multiplayer)
  • armi degli Special Orders (ottenibili solo una volta completati gli Special Orders)
  • armi ottenibili dai forzieri
  • armi finali (ottenibili solo sconfiggendo Gilgamesh nella Terza Run con ogni singolo personaggio)

Di seguito sono elencate tutte le armi di gioco, suddivise per personaggio, con indicazione delle statistiche, eventuali effetti speciali e la reperibilità delle stesse.

Ace: carte
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Cards ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Cards ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Magic Cards ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Ace in Muliplay per una volta)
Mystery Cards ATK +9, MP +10% Rokol - 1600G
Luminous Cards ATK +10 S.O. “The Battle of Togoreth” Cap.2
Empire’s Tarot ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Cards ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Armor Cards ATK +24, DEF +30 Buzz - 6500G
Mythril Cards ATK +32,All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Platinum Cards ATK +38 S.O. “A United Front With Soryu” Combat Exercise Cap.3
Death’s Cards ATK +43, infligge Death SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Ace in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Master’s Cards ATK +48 Bethnel’sGrotto
Magician’s Card ATK +52, All MAG +10 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Ace in missione 200 volte)
Hanafuda ATK +58, EXP X2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Wild Cards ATK +62 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato “Under the Armistice” in Impossible Mode, Cap.4 seconda run)
Final Trump ATK +68, infligge Death Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Ace nella terza run

Deuce: flauto
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Flute ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Flute ATK +5, MP +20% Arms Lab - 1200G
Baroque Flute ATK +8, MP +30% SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Deuce in Muliplay per una volta)
Life Flute ATK +8, HP +20% Rokol - 1600G
Platinum Flute ATK +9 S.O. “Escape From the Capital” Cap.4
Military Flute ATK +12, MP +50% Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Flute ATK +14, MP +40% Roshana - 2400G
Meister’s Flute ATK +24, DEF +30 Buzz - 6500G
Mythril Flute ATK +31,All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Flame Flute ATK +37,Fire MAG +15 S.O. “Behind Enemy Lines” Cap.2 seconda run
Ice Flute ATK +42, Ice MAG +15 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Deuce in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Flute ATK +45, Thunder MAG +15 Bethnel’s Grotto
Healing Flute ATK +51, Support MAG +20 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Deuce in missione 200 volte)
Angelic Flute ATK +54, EXP X2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Lamia’s Flute ATK +59 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato “The Taking of Meroe“ in Impossible Mode)
God Horn ATK +68 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Deuce nella terza run

Trey: arco
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Long Bow ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Bow ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
HuntingBow ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Trey in Muliplay per una volta)
Windslasher ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
ThornBow ATK +11 S.O. “Magitek Factory Sabotage” Cap.3
Power Bow ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Elvin Bow ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Platinum Bow ATK +24 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilBow ATK +33, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
PoisonBow ATK +38, infligge Poison S.O. “The Battle of Judecca” Cap.5
Reaper’s Bow ATK +42, infligge Death SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Trey in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Rune Bow ATK +47 Bethnel’s Grotto
Chiron’sBow ATK +52 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Trey in missione 200 volte)
BlessedBow ATK +55, EXP X2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
ArtemisBow ATK +62 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato “Withdrawl from Roshana” in Impossible Mode)
Yoichi Bow ATK +69, infligge Death Sconfiggi Gilgamesh nella 3°Run con Trey

Cater: pistola magica
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Magic Pistol ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Magic Pistol+ ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Heavy Magic Gun ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Cater in Muliplay per una volta)
Heavy Magic Gun+ ATK +9, All MAG +1 Rokol - 1600G
True Magic Gun ATK +10 S.O. “The Battle of Judecca” Cap.5
Riot ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Pistol ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Furious ATK +25 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilPistol ATK +33,All MAG +15 Amiter - 9000G
Rune Trigger ATK +41, MP +50% S.O. “Under the Armistice” Cap.4 seconda run
True Magic Gun+ ATK +45 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Caterin Multiplay per 200 volte)
Missing Score ATK +52 Bethnel’s Grotto
Glorious ATK +55, All MAG +30 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Cater in missione 200 volte)
Tanegashima ATK +62, EXP X2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
MarvelousCheer ATK +67 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Ambush in the Fog” in Impossible Mode, seconda run)
Type-0 Magic Gun ATK +71 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Cater nella terza run

Cinque: mazza
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Mace ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
CrushMace ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Shock Hammer ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Cinque in Muliplay per una volta)
Earthbreaker ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
BusterHammer ATK +11 S.O. “Escape from the Capital” Cap.4
Battle Mace ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
OgreHammer ATK +16 Roshana - 2400G
War Mace ATK +25 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilMace ATK +38, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
FlameMace ATK +43, Fire MAG +15 , infligge Burn S.O. “Withdrawl form Roshana” Combat Exercise, Cap.7
IceMace ATK +48, Ice MAG +15 , infligge Freeze SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Cinque in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Mace ATK +54, Thunder MAG +15 , infligge Shock Bethnel’s Grotto
GigasHammer ATK +60 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Cinque in missione 200 volte)
GiantMallet ATK +64, EXP X2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
SeraphimMace ATK +69 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Magitek Factory Sabotage” in Impossible Mode)
Mjolnir ATK +74 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Cinque nella terza run

Sice: falce
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Scythe ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Scythe ATK +5, MP +10% Arms Lab - 1200G
War Scythe ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Sice in Muliplay per una volta)
Platinum Scythe ATK +9 Rokol - 1600G
Reaper’sScythe ATK +9, infligge Death S.O. “The Battle of Judecca” Cap.5
Steel Scythe ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon FangSickle ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Chrono’sScythe ATK +24 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilScythe ATK +34, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Lamia’sScythe ATK +8, MP +20% S.O. “Ambush in the fog” Cap.3, seconda run
PoisonScythe ATK +43, infligge Poison SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Sice in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Persephone’sScythe ATK +48, infligge Death Bethnel’s Grotto
Nightmare ATK +53 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Sice in missione 200 volte)
Tinkerbell ATK +58, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Nirvana ATK +63 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”The Battle of the Grotto” in Impossible Mode)
Tezcatlipoca ATK +68 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Sice nella terza run

Seven: frusta
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Whip ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Whip ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
SwordWhip ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Seven in Muliplay per una volta)
Platinum Whip ATK +9 Rokol - 1600G
Sleipnir’sTail ATK +10 S.O. “Magitek Factory Sabotage” Cap.3
Chain Whip ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Tail ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Steel WhipSword ATK +22 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilWhip ATK +34, All MAG 10 Amiter - 9000G
FlameLash ATK +38, Fire MAG +15, infligge Burn S.O. “Operation Eastern Wind” missione Cap.5, seconda run
IceLash ATK +43, Ice MAG +15, infligge Freeze SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Cinque in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Lash ATK +48, Thunder MAG +15, infligge Shock Bethnel’s Grotto
ThornWhip ATK +52 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Seven in missione 200 volte)
Reginleif ATK +57, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Master Whip ATK +61 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”OperationEaster Wind” in Impossible Mode)
Brynhildr ATK +66 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Seven nella terza run

Eight: guanti
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Knuckles ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Knuckles ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Killer Knuckles ATK +7, Infligge Death S.O. “The Battle of Judecca” Cap.5
HeavyKnuckles ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Eight in Muliplay per una volta)
Platinum Knuckles ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
Iron Fist ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
RedGloves ATK +16 Roshana - 2400G
Metal Knuckles ATK +26 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilGloves ATK +34, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Diamond Knuckles ATK +42 S.O. “Colonel’s Faith Uprising” Combat Exercise, Cap.5
AdamantKnuckles ATK +48 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Cinque in Multiplay per 200 volte)
GodHand ATK +53 Bethnel’s Grotto
Master Fist ATK +58 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Eight in missione 200 volte)
Gold Fingers ATK +64, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Kaiser Knuckles ATK +70 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Iscah Inflitration” in Impossible Mode)
Demon Fist ATK +75 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Eight nella terza run

Nine: lancia
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Lance ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Heavy Lance ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Javelin ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Nine in Muliplay per una volta)
Radiant Lance ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
Lanze Raiter ATK +11 S.O. “The Battle on the Big Bridge” Cap.6
Harpoon ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragonhorn ATK +16 Roshana - 2400G
Holy Lance ATK+26 Buzz - 6500G
Mythril Lance ATK +37, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Flame Lance ATK +42, Fire MAG +15, Infligge Burn S.O. “The Invasion of Ingram” missione Cap.7
IceSpear ATK +42, Ice MAG +15, Infligge Freeze SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Nine in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Spear ATK+42, Thunder MAG +15, Infligge Shock Bethnel’s Grotto
Venus Gospel ATK +58 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Nine in missione 200 volte)
Highwind ATK +63, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Lance of Kain ATK +69 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Keziah Diversionary Tactics” in Impossible Mode)
Longinus ATK +74 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Ninenella terza run

Jack: katana
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Tachi ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Kiku-Ichimonji ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Nagamitsu ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Jack in Muliplay per una volta)
Mukademaru ATK +8, infligge Poison Rokol - 1600G
Murasame ATK +10 S.O. “Battle on the Big Bridge” Cap.6
Imperial Blade ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Slayer ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Kotetsu ATK +26 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilBlade ATK +36, All MAG +15 Amiter - 9000G
Onikiri ATK +42 S.O. “The Last Line of Defense” missione Cap.6, seconda run
Tengoku ATK +47, infligge Death SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Cinque in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Furinkazan ATK +53 Bethnel’s Grotto
Muramasa ATK +58, MP +30% Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Jack in missione 200 volte)
BushidoBlade ATK +63, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Yoshiyuki ATK +68, HP +30% Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Behind Enemy Lines” in Impossible Mode, seconda run)
GenjiBlade ATK +75 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Jack nella terza run

Queen: spada
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Long Sword ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Flamberge ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Claymore ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Queen in Muliplay per una volta)
Rune Saber ATK +8, MP +20% S.O. “Escape from the Capital” Cap.4
Shamshir ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
Imperial Saber ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Ancient Sword ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
Warspite ATK +26 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilSaber ATK +36, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
FlameSaber ATK +41, Fire MAG +20 S.O. “Reconaissance Rescue” Combat Exercise, Cap.7
IceSaber ATK +46, Ice MAG +20 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Queen in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Saber ATK +52, Thunder MAG +20 Bethnel’s Grotto
Master Sword ATK +57, Support MAG +20 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Queen in missione 200 volte)
Save the Queen ATK +63, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Mirage Sword ATK +68 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Reconaissance Rescue” in Impossible Mode)
AstralSword ATK +73 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Queen nella terza run

King: pistola
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Handguns ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Twin Magnum ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Outsiders ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare King in Muliplay per una volta)
TwinmagTusks ATK +9 Rokol - 1600G
Magnatus ATK +10 S.O. “Magitek Factory Sabotage” Cap.4
Hardbreakers ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragoons ATK +14 Roshana - 2400G
BlastGuns ATK +24 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilBursts ATK +33, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Judge and Jury ATK +38 S.O. “The Last Imperial Base” Combat Exercise, Cap.7
Executioners ATK +42, infligge Death SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta King in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Hi-Blow TS ATK +47 Bethnel’s Grotto
Dominators ATK +51 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta King in missione 200 volte)
Peacemakers ATK +56, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Valkyries ATK +60, infligge Death Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”The Last Line of Defense” in Impossible Mode)
Quicksilvers ATK +64 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con King nella terza run

Machina: stiletti
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Bolt Rapiers ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Rapiers ATK +5 Arms Lab - 1200G
Gear Rapiers ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Machina in Muliplay per una volta)
Platinum Rapiers ATK +10 Rokol - 1600G
Rune Rapiers ATK +11, MP +20% S.O. “Escape from the Capital” Cap.4
Machine Rapiers ATK +12 Cetme - 2000G
Dragon Swords ATK +15 Roshana - 2400G
DrillRapiers ATK +26 Buzz - 6500G
MythrilRapiers ATK +36, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
Laevateinns ATK +41, MP +50% S.O. “Machina’s Battle” Cap.7, seconda run
Flametongues ATK +46, Fire MAG +30 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Machina in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Icebrands ATK +50, Ice MAG +30 Bethnel’s Grotto
Thunder Rapiers ATK +54, Thunder MAG +30 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Machina in missione 200 volte)
Durandal ATK+61, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Dreadnought ATK +65 Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”Machina’s Battle” in Impossible Mode)
Excalibur ATK +75 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Machina nella terza run

Rem: pugnali
Arma Statistiche Reperibilità
Daggers ATK +3 Equipaggiamento base; Bethnel’s Grotto
Silver Daggers ATK +5, MP +10% Arms Lab - 1200G
Dancing Daggers ATK +8 SPP Shop - 1600 SPP (portare Rem in Muliplay per una volta)
Ogrenix ATK +9 Rokol - 1600G
Rune Daggers ATK +10, MP +30% S.O. “Escape from the Capital” Cap.4
Butterly Edge ATK +11 Cetme - 2000G
Main Gauche ATK +14 Roshana - 2400G
SurvivalEdge ATK +23, HP +30% Buzz - 6500G
MythrilDaggers ATK +32, All MAG +10 Amiter - 9000G
FlameDaggers ATK +36, Fire MAG +20 S.O. “Ambush in the fog” Cap.3, seconda run
IceDaggers ATK +41, Ice MAG +20 SPP Shop - 10000SPP (Porta Rem in Multiplay per 200 volte)
Thunder Daggers ATK +46, Thunder MAG +20 Bethnel’s Grotto
HealingDaggers ATK +50, Support MAG +30 Arms Lab - 35000G (porta Rem in missione 200 volte)
ZorlinShape ATK +54, EXP x2 SPP Shop - 20000SPP
Assassin’sDaggers ATK +59, infligge Death Arms Lab - 60000G (dopo aver completato ”A United Front With Soryu” in Impossible Mode)
Oricalcum ATK +63 Sconfiggi Gilgamesh con Rem nella terza run

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