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Completando le missioni nel corso della nostra avventura verremo ricompensati con dei premi e, se non si tratta di una LSSO (Large Scale Strategic Operation), potremo selezionarla nuovamente dalla Mission List relativa al file caricato, scegliendone il livello di difficoltà. La missione completata nel corso della trama verrà considerata come completata in Normal Mode. Dall'elenco della Mission List possiamo dunque decidere se completarla nuovamente in Normal Mode opure se optare per Hard Mode. Infine, completandola in Hard Mode, potremo affrontarla nuovamente in Impossible Mode.

- Le Missioni in Normal Mode saranno identiche a quelle della trama, rispettandone il livello.
- In Hard Mode, il livello della missione aumenterà di ben 30.
- In Impossible Mode, il livello della missione aumenterà invece di 50, potremo portare un solo personaggio, e gli avversari saranno in permanente status Fury (Haste, Aura e Endure).

Ecco qui di seguito le varie ricompense che otterremo completando tutte le missioni, in ciascuna modalità.

Missione Modalità Premio
Three Hours of that changed the World - Cap.1 Normal X-Potion
Hard /
Impossible /
The Cadet's First Battle - Cap.2 Normal Magia - Fire SHG
Hard Arms Lab - Mythril Ring
Impossible Arms Lab - Diamond Ring
RecoveringRubrum (LSSO) - Cap.2 Normal Adjutant - Remedy
Hard /
Impossible /
The Battle of Togoreth - Cap.2 Normal Eidolon - Shiva
Hard Arms Lab - Deflector
Impossible Arms Lab - Master Armor
Behind Enemy Lines - Cap.2 (2° run) Normal Eidolon - Shankara,

Gold Hourglass
Hard Arms Lab - Topaz Shield
Impossible Arms Lab - Yoshiyuki
Keziah Diversionary Tactics (C.E) - Cap.3 Normal Magia - Bio
Hard Arms Lab - Gale Bracelet
Impossible Arms Lab - Lance of Kain
A United Front with Soryu (C.E.) - Cap.3 Normal Eidolon - Firebrand
Hard Arms Lab - Terra Bracelet
Impossible Arms Lab - Assassin's Dagger
Iscah Infiltration - Cap.3 Normal Eidolon - Golem
Hard Magia - Revive
Impossible Arms Lab - Kaiser Knukle
The Tanking of Limbo Fortress (C.E.-LSSO) - Cap.3 Normal Eidolon - Gigas
Hard /
Impossible /
The Battle of the Grotto (C.E.) - Cap.3 Normal Magia - Blizzard MIS
Hard Arms Lab - Lotic Bracelet
Impossible Arms Lab - Nirvana
Magitek Factory Sabotage - Cap.3 Normal Magia - Fire ROK
Hard Adjutant - Mega Potion
Impossible Arms Lab - Seraphim Mace
Ambush in the Fog - Cap.3 (2° run) Normal Eidolon - Ogre

Gold Hourglass
Hard Magia - Tornado
Impossible Arms Lab - Marvelous Cheer
Escape from the Capital - Cap.4 Normal Magia - Thunder ROK
Hard Adjutant - Turbo Ether
Impossible Arms Lab - Guard Barrier
Under the Armistice - Cap.4 (2° run) Normal Arms Lab - Soul of Succor
Hard Eidolon - Grimnir
Impossible Arms Lab - Wild Card
The Taking of Meroe  (C.E.) - Cap.5 Normal Magia - Fire RF2
Hard Eidolon - Mini Shiva
Impossible Arms Lab - Lamia's Flute
March to the Border (C.E. - LSSO) - Cap.5 Normal Eidolon - Calamity
Hard /
Impossible /
Destroy the Landing Party (C.E.) - Cap.5 Normal Arms Lab - Crystal Ball
Hard Arms Lab - Circlet
Impossible Arms Lab - Tiara
Colonel Faith's Uprising (C.E.) - Cap.5 Normal Eidolon - Troll
Hard Eidolon -Neo  Bahamut
Impossible Magia - Meteor
RetaikingEibon (LSSO) - Cap.5 Normal Magia - Blizzard SHG
Hard /
Impossible /
The Battle of Judecca - Cap.5 Normal Arms Lab - Moon Bracelet*(1)

Magia - Fire MIS *(2)
Hard Arms Lab - Platinum Bangle *(1)

Arms Lab - Shock Armor *(2)
Impossible Arms Lab - Mythril Bangle *(1)

Adjutant - Dry Ether*(2)
Operation Eastern Wind - Cap.5 (2° run) Normal Eidolon - Bahamut

Gold Hourglass
Hard Arms Lab - High Armor
Impossible Arms Lab - Master Whip
Battle on the Big Bridge - Cap.6 Normal Eidolon - Odin
Hard Eidolon - Ignis
Impossible Adjutant - Elixir
The Last Line of Defense - Cap.6 (2° run) Normal Magia - Blizzard BOM2
Hard Arms Lab - Opal Shield
Impossible Arms Lab - Valkyrie
Withdrawl from Roshana (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Magia - Blizzard RF2
Hard Arms Lab: Ember-Frost Ring
Impossible Arms Lab - Artemis Bow
Operation Dragon Slayer (C.E.-LSSO) - Cap.7 Normal Eidolon - Diabolos
Hard /
Impossible /
For Imperial Eyes Only (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Soul of Thunder
Hard Arms Lab - Inferno Armlet
Impossible Arms Lab - Belias' Armlet
Reconaissance Rescue (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Soul of Fire
Hard Arms Lab - Ruby Shield
Impossible Arms Lab - Mirage Sword
Caught by Surprise (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Mythril Gauntlet
Hard Arms Lab - Diamond Gauntlet
Impossible Arms Lab - Crystal Gauntlet
Deep in the Jungle (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Red Beret
Hard Arms Lab - Magic Mitre
Impossible Arms Lab - Magic Master
The Battle of Yezel (C.E.-LSSO) - Cap.7 Normal Eidolon - Mini Golem
Hard /
Impossible /
Prisoners of War (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab -  Soul of Ice
Hard Arms Lab - Aurora Armlet
Impossible Arms Lab - Mateus' Armlet
Exile from the Empire (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Gold Bangle
Hard Arms Lab - Platinum Bracer
Impossible Arms Lab - Diamond Bangle
Amiter's Suppression (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Magia - Aloud
Hard Arms Lab - Celestial Armlet
Impossible Arms Lab - Ramuh's Armlet
Into the Dragon Nest (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Eidolon - Astaroth
Hard Arms Lab - Diamond Shield
Impossible Magia - Holy
The Last Imperial Base (C.E.) - Cap.7 Normal Arms Lab - Verity of Succor
Hard Arms Lab - Battle Ring
Impossible Arms Lab - Edicts of Succor
The Last Day of the Kingdom (LSSO) - Cap.7 Normal Adjutant - Hi Potion
Hard /
Impossible /
The Invasion of Ingram - Cap.7 Normal Magia - Fire BOM2
Hard Arms Lab - Guard Shield
Impossible Arms Lab - Impact Armor II
Machina's Battle - Cap.7 Normal Magia - Thunder BOM2
Hard Arms Lab - Blitz-Flare Ring
Impossible Arms Lab - Dreadnought

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