Qui di seguito trovate gli eventi Ultimate già trascorsi, elencati cronologicamente dal più al meno recente. Per visualizzare invece quelli attualmente in vigore, consultate la sezione “Eventi in corso“.
- Of Lies and Love (XIII);
- Vow Upon a Star (VII);
- Blood Reign (XII);
- Cutting Winds, Soaring Lightning (VIII);
- Dawn of a Legend (I);
- The Blue Planet (IV);
- A Sword for Peace (FFT);
- A Dream for Spira (X)
- Where the Heart Lies (IX)
- Flash of Defiance (XIII)
- Lady of the Vortex (XIV)
- Heir of the Dawn (V)
- In the Footsteps of Greatness (VII)
- A Light Among Shadows (VI)
- The Lion Wakes (VIII)
- Aspiring Hero (III)
- Reclaiming rthe Skies (IV)
- Time’s Arrow (XIII)
- This is Our Story (X)
- Heir of the Dynast King (XII)
- Thorns of the Rose (III)
- Friendship Ribbon (IX)
- A Special Place (VIII)
- Glimmer of Hope (VII)
- GoGo Gullwings! (X)
- Doorway to Another Realm (I)
- Prima Donna (VI)
- A Worthy Foe (V)
- Defying Destiny (XIII)
- To Have and Have Note (FFT)
- Discord and Harmony – Cosmos (DIssidia)
- Discord and Harmony – Chaos (Dissidia)
- Blade of Vengeance (XII)
- Show of Resolve (IX)
- Rains of Ruin (VIII)
- The Princess and the Pirate (V)
- The Second Coming (VII)
- A Summoner Grown (IV)
- The Lord of Crags (XIV)
- Window on the Past (X)
- Dangerous Beauty (XIII)
- Two Sides of a Coin (VI)
- A Night to Remember (VII)
- Angel of Death (IX)
- The Earth Stirs (III)
- Twin Stars of Mysidia (IV)
- Broken Chains (VIII)
- Consorting with Sky Pirates (XII)